Category: IceTheme
On the 1st of July 2014 Minister Mildred Oliphant increased the annual threshold earnings from R193805 to R205433. For the purpose of defining the word "threshold", it means the following, which is a direct quote from the ministerial determination as published: (words in brackets were inserted by us)"Earnings” means gross pay before deductions, i.e. (before deducting) income tax, pension, medical and similar payments, but excluding similar payments (contributions) made by the employer in respect of the employee.”


Sustainability Efforts reduce medical claims
The healthier employees are, the less absenteeism would be experienced and the fewer medical claims are likely to be processed. Ultimately, internal sustainability efforts that ensure the healthier of employees, increase productivity and profit
Plants in the office
According to Planticulture Incorporated, plants offer a means to decrease stress while enhancing productivity by 12%. They also argue that plants cool the air by a process called transpiration, which, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, decreases air temperature in offices by up to ten degrees. Furthermore, according to Planticulture, plant-filled rooms contain 50-60% fewer airborne molds and bacteria than rooms without plants. The plants clean contaminated office air by absorbing office pollutants into their leaves and transmitting the toxins to their roots, where they are transformed into a source of food for the plant. By providing cleaner air, companies are able to avoid the associated illnesses termed 'Sick Building Syndrome', which is as a result of an inadequate exchange of fresh air, common in offices.  
Plants help reduce toxins in the air, increase the air flow in a room, and help reduce eye irritations employees might encounter staring at a computer screen all day long. By improving the quality of the air in your office, plants will help your employees feel healthier and better suited for work. Furthermore, because plants help circulate air around a stuffy office building, they can help reduce the cost of heating and cooling in the office. Most of all, plants bring interest and inspiration to a dull and lifeless office. 


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