Soulcare is a Group of companies focused on environmental awareness, healthy living, eating and lifestyle. Soulcare offers you the client various sustainable products that will satisfy your basic needs. We encourage the use of natural products and organic produce for a healthier and sustainable environment. The time has come to change the way we look at the future. We have seen so many examples of global climate change, floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters all due to pollution, unhealthy living and not taking into consideration the effects that our everyday lives and the decisions that we make on a daily basis, has on our planet.
In 2005 Omar started practicing as a Healer and re-branded the company to name it SOULCARE.

Meaning: Retreat what you are doing, to recharge and rejuvenate the soul, to fuel the mind and body with renewed energy. Omar Botha believes it is healthier for a human to take regular short breaks to relax and recharge the mind, body and soul than to work oneself to death. If a person works non-stop for too long a period it may cause emotional, physical and mental fatigue that can lead to various illnesses and depression.
Booking Rewards
Omar believes in Balance and to achieve that he recommends taking time out every 5-6 weeks. Take a day or 2 off form the daily tasks and explore something that you always wanted to do. Today Soulcare Retreats can offer the client various packages from car rental, flights, accommodation, golf tours, cruises and even organic food and wine getaways.

Our Team is made by very talented people and they all share one thing: The Love for Sustainable projects!
Soulcare is a Group of companies focused on environmental awareness, healthy living, eating and lifestyle. Soulcare offers you the client various sustainable products that will satisfy your basic needs. We encourage the use of natural products and organic produce for a healthier and sustainable environment
Our Team
Omar Botha, CEO & Healer of SOULCARE Group have put together a Dynamic, Holistic company that looks after the basic needs of people to create a healthy sustainable world. Financial, Spiritual, Physical & Emotional Health.
Omar Botha
CEO and Founder

Omar Botha, CEO & Healer of SOULCARE Group have put together a Dynamic, Holistic company that looks after the basic needs of people to create a healthy sustainable world for better Financial, Spiritual, Physical & Emotional Health
Soulcare Pty ltd PO Box 4566 Randburg 2125 Contact us